Youtube Vanced Changelog
Vanced Manager (v2.6.2)
- Root installer fixed
- App now checks and displays an error message if Magisk is not detected
- Various optimizations
MicroG (v0.2.22.212658)
- update to latest upstream
Youtube Music Vanced (v4.39.50)
- Bumped base
- added the following translations to Vanced: Slovak, Romanian, Polish, Korean, Italian, Indonesian, Greek, German, Finnish, Dutch, Czech, Bulgarian, Azerbaijani, Japanese
- unlocked mini-player for kids songs
- fixed login issue for some Android 11 devices
Youtube Vanced (v16.29.39)
- Bumped base -SPONSORBLOCK (thanks to cane):
- fixed buttons after watching shorts
- added preview category
- added length of the video without segments next to the total time
- added stats to SB settings
- made segment categories color customizable
- added support for importing-exporting settings KNOWN ISSUES:
- casting to Chromecast still broken on nonroot due to microG, it will need to be patched upstream first. Switch to root version or use stock youtube for now (vanced does not block casting ads anyway)
- Swipe down to refresh (it’s a litho bug)